Frequently asked questions for customers

If you are new to our service, first of all, press the “Urgent order” button and fill in the email field. After that, you will be redirected to your newly created personal account, where you can place an order. For that, you need to fill in the extended questionnaire. In it, you can also provide more details on your paper, upload additional information, etc. If you have no preferences on a writer, press the “Save & publish for writers” button to make your order available for bids.

After being assigned a writer, you will be able to contact him or her via live chat, where you can explain the requirements on formatting, style, and the content of your paper.

On the login page, you will have a Forgot password link located below the “Login” button. It will redirect you to a field requesting your email. Fill it in, and you will get a link reactivating your account.

It is an additional paid option ($4.95) that will heighten the rank of your order so our writers will see your assignment first when they log into the platform. This option helps you find a better writer quicker.

That is unlikely. As a rule, dozens of writers apply for your assignment within the first 3 minutes. The order is available for bidding for 5 days, and it will be automatically canceled if you don’t assign a writer for your paper during these days.

You can write to us via the support section on your account, or submit your inquiry to our email support. We are prompt in answering your questions, but if you have issues concerning a particular order, you should direct them to your writer using live chat in your personal account.

Yes, the company is socially responsible and adheres to established general social morals and tenets. That is why we do not provide papers on some controversial topics, namely:

  • Gay marriage
  • Abortion

If an order falls under one of these controversial topics, it will be automatically cancelled.

We believe it is the responsibility of students to pass tests on their own, whether online or on paper. In terms of a multiple choice test or any other kind of online tests, it is quite difficult to assess how a writer of ours would do on one.
If you have ordered us to complete an exam, it will be automatically cancelled. Including orders to complete tests, do not share any personal information with us. It can compromise your own security and possibly your standing in your educational institution.

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